Federal council Selbsttest «Bereit für morgen?»

Client: Eidgenössisches Personalamt EPA
Job: Development of a self-test with gamification aspects

We implemented a web-based self-test for the Swiss federal administration. This enables employees of the federal administration to find out how they deal with the changes at work. At the same time, their answers show them which type of worker they are.

The main element of the self-test is a dynamically generated questionnaire, which is compiled from a large catalog of questions according to predefined criteria each time it is called up. Based on the answers given, all players are assigned to a persona at the end of the test and thus receive specific recommendations and further information on their work type. The data collected for classification can be evaluated and used for analysis or statistics if required.

The implementation was done within the nationwide internal campaign "Arbeitswelt in Bewegung". However, the question-answer system (based on Craft CMS) was built in such a way that the self-test can be reused as part of a new project with little development effort; for example, as a playful repetition in a course environment or as a questionnaire for planning the next workshop.

With the help of animated game characters and various visual gimmicks with the mouse pointer, a significant increase in engagement was achieved thanks to gamification aspects. The trilingual self-test was implemented using modern web technologies, enabling a fluid user experience and full accessibility.