Every year, the Swiss Federal Administration carries out numerous public procurement procedures and concludes corresponding framework contracts with companies from the private sector. For this purpose, Suisseoffer developed the module Mini Tender. It is already used for the call-off of framework contracts by the Federal Chancellery. The "SuisseOffer Tool Suite" thus makes it possible to handle procurement processes, including the inclusion of suppliers, in a standardized, transparent manner and without media discontinuity - simply, digitally, sustainably and economically.
We have used various measures to make the topic of "procurement" understandable and accessible to users and suppliers. With our competences in design, web development and multimedia productions, we presented the topic in an attractive and modern way.

In addition to the conception and implementation of the brand "minitender.info", we have implemented other communication measures that reach DTI's customers at their level of knowledge. One part of the project is the development and design of the website minitender.info. In another part we have implemented an explanatory video that presents the Mini Tender Management MTM of the Information Technologies in Public Procurement Unit.