The Federal Office of Personnel (EPA), as part of the federal administration, is responsible, among other things, for the development and implementation of personnel strategies. As part of its duties, the Federal Administration's Training Center (AZB), an important component of the EPA, offers a comprehensive range of courses for all federal administration employees. Each year, the AZB publishes an extensive course program listing all courses for target groups: employees, HR, and managers. Courses for managers are now also presented in the Kurs-Kompass (Course Compass) – a user-friendly web application that, in addition to existing channels, provides employees with a simple and effective way to search for relevant courses.

The Kurs-Kompass consists of two parts. First, there is a searchable and filterable database where all courses are listed. Users have the option to mark one or multiple courses as favorites, allowing them to easily find these courses again at a later time.
The second part of the Kurs-ompass* is an interactive self-check, designed to help managers find courses that suit their needs. Through a few questions, this playful and relaxed approach provides personalized recommendations directly based on the self-check responses. This makes finding a suitable course not only easier but also more enjoyable.
The user interface of the web application is enhanced by a relaxed design, aligned with the updated corporate design of the EPA. Various animations, as well as an animated pattern that reacts to mouse movements, further enrich the user experience.
It is particularly important that the Kurs-Kompass is accessible to as wide an audience as possible, regardless of individual requirements. Therefore, the application is available in multiple languages—German, French, and Italian—and special emphasis has been placed on accessibility. Clear structures and visual hierarchies, simple navigation, clearly labeled buttons and links, as well as a fully keyboard-navigable application are just some of the aspects that ensure, for example, that people with visual impairments can easily use the application.